Monday, March 24, 2014

Multimedia Project

This is my multimedia project. The background is an abstract painting of shapes done in acrylic. I painted a spraypaint can and a wasp on watercolor paper using acrylic paint also. After I had finished painting the spraypaint can and the wasp, I cut them out and glued them onto my canvas. Finally, I made a stencil that says "XLIN" and spraypainted it on the top of my canvas. This was my first multimedia project and I enjoyed it because it was fun to use a variety of techniques in one painting.

Stencil Project #1

This is my first stencil project. First, I painted my background a yellow gradient with acrylic paint. Then, I cut out stencils of a bass guitar, a sparrow and paintbrushes with an X-acto knife. After I cut out all the pieces for my stencils, I glued them down to my canvas with a gluestick and spraypainted the stencils. Afterwards, I removed the stencil pieces with the X-acto knife. This was a challenging project for me because I found that it was hard to get all the stencil pieces to stay firmly attached to the canvas so that the spraypaint wouldn't leak out the sides of the stencil and create a messy edge.

3rd Quarter Sketchbook Set #1

This is my first sketchbook set of the third quarter. Three of these are done in ink and one is in pencil. For the ink drawings, I first sketched the picture in pencil, then went back in with microns and added shading and different line weights. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Senior Project Photo Display

On January 25th, I had an event to display the photos I took for my senior project. For my senior project, I learned digital photography and the basics of photo editing using Photoshop. I also researched how companies' use of Photoshop on models in advertisements effects people's self esteem. For my product, I created a mock clothing ad for Armani Exchange. I used two different models and had them do the same 8 poses. I only changed the lighting levels and converted my first model's photos to sepia or black and white, but in my second model's photos, I did these things as well as reshaping his features, and airbrushing his skin- things that many advertisers do to their models in ads. Accompanying my photos was a survey asking my audience which set of photos they preferred and why, so I could gain insight on the effect that Photoshopped models has on people.