Sunday, March 23, 2014

Senior Project Photo Display

On January 25th, I had an event to display the photos I took for my senior project. For my senior project, I learned digital photography and the basics of photo editing using Photoshop. I also researched how companies' use of Photoshop on models in advertisements effects people's self esteem. For my product, I created a mock clothing ad for Armani Exchange. I used two different models and had them do the same 8 poses. I only changed the lighting levels and converted my first model's photos to sepia or black and white, but in my second model's photos, I did these things as well as reshaping his features, and airbrushing his skin- things that many advertisers do to their models in ads. Accompanying my photos was a survey asking my audience which set of photos they preferred and why, so I could gain insight on the effect that Photoshopped models has on people. 

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