Sunday, October 19, 2014

College Update #3: First Year Seminar for Illustrators

Another class I am taking this semester is a seminar for illustrators. My professors assign us 7 sketchbook pages every week based off of a certain topic they give us. These are a few of the ones I did for line quality. For these I just used microns and watercolor.

Below is a sketchbook I did for contrast and focal point. I used Vine charcoal, prismacolor markers and microns.
Our first big project for this class was to create a board game, and this is the box I made for mine. i learned a very important lesson from making this, which is never to use spray paint in your room.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha, ventilation; Gas-mask always helps too /:P....
    Geez, and you guys use to complain just having 5-6 a quarter!?!
